Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Can you smell it?

Fall I mean. Maybe it's me, but the warm summer nights are slowly sneaking off while the cool crisp air which belongs to autumn is taking it's place. We've been wearing jeans and t-shirts for the past few days and requesting jackets in the evenings. This time of the year has a very familiar scent, one that brings me back many years. It's whatever they are harvesting this time of the year....peanuts maybe. You know how a certain aroma brings back memories, or maybe not even a memory but when you were a certain age? This time of the year always brings me back. I can almost smell the pumpkins and the mums. I do love fall.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I love the Fall too! It's my favorite season. I love all the smells and the leaves changing colors. It does bring back memories and take you back to a certain time in your childhood.