Sunday, September 7, 2008

Laid back weekend...finally!

Because of the storm, I wasn't called to work this weekend. I did, however, get a call from someone who cleans who was called and she asked me to help her. But, I was already in the frame of mind that I finally had a free Saturday (with no kids mind you) so I told her no. So Friday night I dropped my girls off at my sister's for a sleepover and went home to work on school stuff, then off to bed. Saturday my sister and I decided that she would bring my girls home that afternoon and her and her girls would stay the night since Jimmy was working. I did not get out of my pj's all day!! I watched two movies before my sister brought the girls home, and then my sister and I watched two more. I loved it!! I haven't done that in sooo long. It was a much needed relaxing Saturday. Today was pretty much back to, lunch, and a birthday party. But that was all fun stuff!


Michele said...

Sounds like a plan to me! Those weekends are always nice BUT far and few and between! So glad you were able to do that:-) We came home from the OBX Friday night due to the weather, the rest of my folks didn't come home til Saturday morning! They said that it was nothing at all...I'm so glad!

Mandy said...

Sounds like the type of weekend I need! I can tell I have been doing too much lately and not getting enough rest :o(