Sunday, September 20, 2009

A Day of Firsts

Rebecca has anxiously been awaiting soccer season. She loves soccer, a lot of sports for that matter, but she really loves soccer. She started playing when she was 4 and we've always played in the Hertford County league, but this year we decided to sign her up to play in Roanoke Rapids. I started thinking about this last year because we go to church in Roanoke Rapids, so we would leave church on Sunday afternoons and drive slam over to Ahoskie to play ball. The years prior were not so bad because we use to play our games in Murfreesboro, but that changed last year. Now we can go to church, hang out at either my sister's or Jimmy's parent's house until the game starts, and then go home. So today was her very first game of the new season with a whole new league. And to start it off right, she scored the very first goal and it was within the first five minutes or so! Not only that, but she scored two more! Those were her first goals ever! Rebecca said this morning before church that she really wanted to score a goal today so she was thrilled. I wish I had my camera with me to snap a shot of her proud face when she turned towards us with her big ol' smile. I don't know who was more excited, Rebecca or me! She has improved a lot since last year. She can control the ball a lot better, she's not nearly as intimidated to get in there and get the ball away from the pack, and boy is she fast. So to wrap it up, today was her very first game of the season playing for the first time in Roanoke Rapids and scored her very first goal. I can't wait for next Sunday's game! Go Becca!!!


Mandy said...

With all of us growing up playing sports together, I know you are excited when your girls are doing the same thing. The bond us girls have while playing sports and after wards is amazing! The fun and hilarious memories will live with us forever and I am glad our next generation will experience the same thing we all did!

Donielle said...

You got that right Mandy! I use to LIVE to play ball! I was slow and couldn't hit the ball out of the infield, but I still loved loved loved playing.

Keri said...

That is awesome. Way to go Rebecca!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Rebecca....I know you love it..when my boys play and make a good tackle or catch...I am one proud Mama too.