Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Lemonade 50 cents!!

The girls had some friends spend the night last night, and today they decided to have a lemonade stand. Of course, I had to call my parents and our guests grandparents so they could have some customers. They each made $1.50, but I know they were spending some of their own money to buy their own who knows how much they really made. They gave me a dollar though! I guess that's supposed to cover the cost of cups, lemonade, ice, and the use of the Miller Light umbrella!! How wrong was that umbrella?! Hey, they needed shade.


Mandy said...

That is just adorable! And as hot as it is, shade is definitely shade no matter what produces

Michele said...

I know the girls had a blast...I used to do the lemonade stand thing with my friends when I was little and we never made that much but it was always FUN!!!

Angela said...

I wish I had been visiting my dad. I would've walked across the street and bought some lemonade! I know the girls had such a great time.

Shelley and Such said...

How cute is THAT? I love it, love it, love it!

Kelly said...

I remember doig that when I was little and we lived in RR. My supervisor's son, Cody, did it one day and we all drove to Courtland to support his business! LOL