Friday, August 1, 2008

My new addiction

Sudoku! I've heard of it and Jimmy even has a book, but I've never tried it until Wednesday night. I finally took the time to ask how to play and now I AM HOOKED! I do not have time for another addiction, LOL!


Michele said...

My Mom LOVES those things! I don't think I'm smart enuf to do them or at least I don't think that I can sit still long enuf to try one...LOL!

Mandy said...

Definitely do it in pencil! I can do one here and there, but I get a headache if I try to do a bunch at a time.

Kelly said...

My boss loves it! She bought us all a book one time. It just frustrates me! I'm not a number person! Oh, I saw Amy Woodard at the Watermelon Festival. She said she saw you at the beach!