Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Summer is flying by

I know it's still July, but looking at the calendar we have three more weeks of summer until we start school! I told this to the girls on the way home from the beach and Hannah couldn't have said it better, "Man, the summer has flown by!" I agree girl. Everywhere you look, tv, mail flyers, etc. you see back to school sales. Before we know it, Halloween decorations will be on the shelves. Has it flown by to you?

1 comment:

Mandy said...

I wish I could say the same. I have been wondering where December is and it won't get here fast enough! I also think when you work 5 days a week, Summer is just a cliche'. Enjoy your time off with the girls because you are very fortunate! Can you tell I am jealous! :o)