Tuesday, April 7, 2009


This makes my 175th post! Judi gave us all some homework, and I thought this was about where I am and I was right. Far from 500, and if I keep posting like I have this week I'll never get there...lol. I've been fighting sinuses this week. There is so much pollen out in our yard, on our porch, and on the cars that I would be shocked if I wasn't affected. Funny thing, I use to have TERRIBLE allergies growing up. Ask anyone who went to school with me and they will confirm that there was never a time when I didn't have kleenexes on me. I think I was in middle school when I started taking allergy shots, but they really didn't work so I quit. All you girls who played ball with me, remember when I was catcher and would have to call time-outs just to blow my nose?? LOL! Well ever since I became pregnant with my first daughter I kind of outgrew them. I still have problems several times during the year, but nothing like when I was younger, thank God! This just happens to be one of those times. I was fortunate enough to get a good couple of naps today. Not so fortunate that I had to still take Hannah to dance. But I'm home now and plan on going to bed shortly.


Kelly said...

I do remember you always having kleenex with you in school! LOL I sympathize because it gives Alyssa a fit too! She seems to be outgrowing it a little too! I guess that makes you an official country girl now that you have become immune to the pollen! LOL

Mandy said...

OMG...I do remember you calling time outs to blow your nose! I remember all of us just laughing (with you of course...lol). Even with all the snot, you were a darn good "back stop"! I am glad your allergies aren't as bad as they used to be. That must have been very aggravating!

Anonymous said...

I remember the kleenex too...I have been lucky enough not to have real problems with allergies...I have some sniffles but nothing like you or some others I know go through. I hope you feel better soon!

Judson's Mommy said...

I hope you feel better soon.

Mary Lou said...

Allergies just bite! I can totally relate to how you feel. Hope you're feelin better soon!

Judi said...

Keep at it you will reach 500. It only took me 15 months to get there. I hope you are feeling better soon.

Keri said...

That's funny Donielle - I've always had terrible allergies too. When I got pregnant, I didn't want to take medicine if I didn't have to, so I stopped my Claritin only to discover I didn't need it the whole pregnancy! I've slowly started being "sneezy" again, but it isn't as bad as it used to be.