Monday, April 27, 2009

No Internet

Hello all! Just wanted to give you all a quick update. I've been without internet for over a week now. Occasionally late at night and in the early morning I am able to check my emails, but that is the extent of it. In fact, sometimes I can't even finish retrieving my email before it goes out. We've had a tech guy come change our modem this past week and now someone else will be coming this week to try and fix it again. I'm going through computer withdrawals! The girls and I took a walk to my parents' house so I can post this blog. I just wanted to let you know that I haven't abandoned my blog, but my internet has abandoned me. Hope it gets back running soon so I can catch up on posts. Until then.....


Michele said...

Oh my...I would be crazy! Hope they get things fixed soon!

Judi said...

I would be crazy too!! We will be looking forward to you being on line soon!

Missy Glave said...

I would go crazy, three!! I hope they get it fixed for you soon.