Friday, April 17, 2009

"The Talk"

So Hannah is 7, she'll be 8 next month, and sometimes things come up in conversation and she doesn't quite understand it so she'll ask. I'm glad that she asks, but there are definitely times when my answer is simply, "We'll talk about that when your older because that's not something you need to worry about now." And usually I'll give her a really quick response to satisfy her curiosity. And she understands that and never presses for more. They know that they can ask me any and everything (at least I hope they know) because I drill that in their head, but they also understand that some things are just not meant for little ones to hear, not yet. So on to the "talk"...a couple months ago we learned some about worms. We learned that the reason they stay beneath the dirt is because if exposed to direct light they become paralyzed. Now we are learning about chicken eggs and have been candling our eggs on occasion to see if they are fertilized. Well Hannah cannot get the words paralyzed and fertilized right to save her life. She keeps saying she hopes all of our eggs are paralyzed, and I keep correcting her and saying, "You mean fertilized." They know that if the eggs are fertilized then they have the ability to produce a chick, but she finally asked me how the eggs become fertilized. Our curriculum just says that fertile eggs are obtained only when roosters are kept with the laying hens. That wasn't enough for her. She wanted to know exactly how it becomes fertile. Well I don't know how chicken eggs become fertilized, but I know how human eggs become fertilized. So I sit her down and start explaining the whole menstrual thing, not in great detail, but enough for her to understand that at this point in a woman's life they have the ability to produce a baby. But then I go on to say that the only way a woman's eggs can turn into a growing baby is if the man fertilizes her eggs with what we call sperm. Ok, I know some of you may be thinking, "Donielle, she's only 7!" But as soon as I was done explaining she said, "I can't wait for the Easter Bunny to come tonight!" She still has her innocence!


Mandy said...

I guess it is kinda hard to explain without going into details. Good job!

Judson's Mommy said...

I think you handled it well.

Michele said...

Great job explaining...I wouldn't have known what to say! Kids are so curious!

Dad said...

Your father gave Michelle "THE TALK" when she was 7 years old. Guess it runs in the family at that age. Has she tried to explain it to here sisters yet?

Anonymous said...

Buddy got the talk a little bit older than 7 but when Joseph came along and they started to talk about it in school....he almost taught the class cause he had heard it from his big brother...LOL...when I read your Dad's comment it made me think on that...I think you handled it great.

Amy said...

Wow, good job. At least she won't be searching the sky for an imaginary stork to drop a baby! You are a good teacher and a good mom.

I remember getting the talk around that same age and I just laughed and laughed. I thought that was the most ridiculous thing I'd ever heard. Didn't my mom know boys had cooties????

Judi said...

She will probably forget all about it and you will have to explain it again. Good Job!!

Jamie's Block said...

you are braver than i would have been. you did a VERY good job explaing it in not so many details. i would have come up with some story like it's magic, and that's why we call it a miracle. and the reply would be well how did it get in there, and i would say well, god created it and then magically put it there so that the mommy could have a gift from GOD...

i am not very good at explaing personal things like that. i have a hard time even talking to the doc about some

Mary Lou said...

Good job Donielle! I bet she remembers everything you told her. Just so you know, chicken eggs are fertilized just like human eggs. I had pet chickens (don't ask) when I was younger and imagine my amazement when I saw my rooster and hen doing the wild thing! LOL Momma had some fast explaining to do!

BJ said...

ha ha ha. that's what i have to look forward to.