Friday, May 1, 2009

Here I Am!!!!

I am so glad to have our internet back up and running. We had to have someone come out twice to fix it. The first time apparently didn't work, but the second time someone else came and realized that he had to drop another line to increase our signal strength. Even our cable was not really working, but now all is well! Many good blogging situations have come and gone so I will just highlight a few. The first of course is our embryology project. We started with twelve eggs, hoping all twelve were fertile. During the course of our 21 days with the eggs and candling them, we realized all but one was fertile. Sunday morning, April 19th, I woke up, went to turn the eggs, and realized that one of them had a crack in it! I was so excited because we weren't expecting them to start hatching until the next day. The girls were so excited that it was all I could do to get them to go to church. We left early so we could come home and hopefully watch them hatch. When we returned things were basically the same as they had been that morning. My parents invited us to go eat with them, and since there wasn't much change we went. On the way home I dropped my dad off at his house while my mom came home with us to check the eggs. Several of them had cracks in them, and one of them we knew was well on its way to hatching, so my mom stayed to watch. It was like waiting for a mother to give birth. We were all gathered around the incubator waiting for the first chick to emerge from the egg. How exciting it was! The first one was a black chick, and we all (except Hannah because she was on the couch with a bad belly ache) were able to see it hatch. That night the girls slept on the couch so they could come get me if more started hatching. Those girls didn't budge until the morning! But during the night several more did hatch, and the next day Jimmy's parents came over and we were able to see another one hatch. One of the eggs started hatching during that Sun. night, but for some reason died during the process. When we woke the shell had a wide crack almost all the way around, like the chick was just about to emerge. But it died. There was another egg that we were anxious to see hatch because the girls had named that egg from the get go. The egg was speckled, so they named it sprinkles. But that poor little chick died trying to hatch as well. They were both fully developed, so I don't know what happened. We were disappointed about that. So we ended up with nine chicks total. The girls had a great time with the cute little chicks until that following Friday when Mrs. Anne came to pick them up. They were cute, but they sure do poop A LOT!
Here is the first chick in the process of hatching.

Wild, huh?!

Poor thing was wore slam out after all that hard work.

The girls looking at them in the box. Rebecca looking like she's getting a little bossy over them!

We had four black chicks and five yellow chicks.


Michele said...

That's so amazing! I know the girls loved this project and learned so much!

Shari said...

Amazing.....and what a great learning experience for your girls!

Judi said...

Have fun!! I am glad you are back on line. Now you need to get us caught up. LOL

Mary Lou said...

That is just awesome! What an experience for your girls!