Monday, May 11, 2009

Who did this to me?

The kids went to bed around 8:30 last night and I stayed up waiting on Jimmy to get home from work. It wasn't too long after he came home that I made my way to the bedroom. Usually I put my pj's on my dresser in the mornings, which consists of a t-shirt and sleeping pants. When I went to put my pj's on I saw a t-shirt laying on my bed. I couldn't remember if that was the one I wore the night before, but I thought it must have been since it was on my bed, so I put it on. This morning Hannah came in my room, woke me up and asked, "Who did this to me?" I swear, I wish I had my camera next to my bed because it was the funniest thing! She came in my room with my long skirt on that I wore yesterday to church around her neck, kind of like a shawl. When I got out of bed, she pointed at my shirt I was wearing and said that that was the shirt she put on to go to bed! When I changed clothes after church yesterday I just left my skirt on my bed (or floor, can't remember). Sometime between me putting her to bed and me going to bed, she got up, went into my room, took her shirt off, laid it on my bed and put my skirt over her head and wore it to bed!!! She did this all while sleepwalking! It was so funny. That is not the first incident we've had with her and her sleepwalking. I have a picture in one of my albums of her asleep on the bathroom floor. Anyone else sleepwalk??


Mandy said...

Poor I hope she never tries to leave the house at night. A friend of mine used to sleep walk when she was little and her parents had to put a lock at the top of the door so she couldn't reach it and get out.

Keri said...

Cute story! I've never had a problem with sleepwalking, but I do talk in my sleep pretty regularly, and let me tell you there are some funny stories that I could tell - but won't ever! LOL.

Judson's Mommy said...

That is too cute! I don't have that problem YET!

Mary Lou said...

Oh my! My niece's husband gets up in his sleep and goes in the kitchen to eat. Sometimes she wakes up in the morning with cookies and M&Ms in the bed. Of course, he doesn't remember anything! LOL

Michele said...

OH my..too funny! I have been known to talk in my sleep BUT not sleep walk!

Judi said...

My daughter use to talk in her sleep. Sleepwalking can be scary.

Kelly said...

Oh my gosh!!! When Joey lived in RR, he actually walked down the street and got a drink out of the machine and came back home. His Mom swears he was sleepwalking!! Make sure you keep those doors locked tight!