Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Cat update

Well Mandy, I did end up having to call Mr. Phil. Poor mama cat had one coming out and she tried getting it out for a good 20 minutes with no luck. He said to massage her belly and if that didn't help then try to pull it out. I went to help with her belly and she got upset, so I quickly left her alone and went back on the porch. My parents came over and about that time she delivered what I guess was a kitten, but I can't be sure b/c before I could get a good look, my stinking dog took it and ate it!! Yes you read right, she ate whatever it was. I can only guess it was dead b/c I can't for the life of me imagine Sammy eating a live kitten. She loves cats! Well then I had to leave to go to Jackson and when I returned she had moved to under the shed. So now I can't see what's going on. She has been under our carport since yesterday afternoon, going back and forth between the bed we made for her and Sammy's bed. So I hate we had to leave because maybe she would still be under there for us to see. I don't think I mentioned this yet, but our neighbor have two other cats that had kittens about two weeks ago. Sammy will go over there every now and then and lick them all over. Well one evening this past weekend when we returned home the girls ran over there to see the kittens. They quickly returned yelling, "Sammy has a kitten in her mouth and we think it's dead!" Sure enough, she brought a dead kitten home and just dropped it on the grass next to our driveway and kept running up to me then the kitten. It was like she wanted me to help the poor thing. She kept licking it. At first I was mortified, thinking she did this. But then after watching her, I realized she wanted me to do something. We ended up burying it. I told the neighbors about it, and she said she thought Sammy was trying to help too, because that morning they noticed that one kitten looked like it wasn't going to make it. So I think that when we got home that evening she went over there to get it for me to see. Anyway, that's why I can't imagine Sammy eating a live kitten. But who knows? Poor kitten. And poor mama cat.


Judi said...

Cats do weird things!!

Kelly said...

Oh my goodness!!! We had a cat have kittens one time and one of the kittens died. She actually had the kittens under a chair in our living room. Well, the next morning, we found a dead kitten laying in the middle of the floor. At first we thought our dog had done something, but it was so unlike her. We found out that the Mama cat probably moved the dead kitten away from her other kittens. It was really strange. I'm sure Sammy didn't hurt the kitten, and maybe it wasn't the kitten that came out first.

Michele said...

Oh you said...I don't think Sammy would hurt the kittens! Keep us posted!

Anonymous said...

I don't remember puppy and kitten deliveries ever being this interesting when I was growing up....I am sure Sammy was trying to help the kitten...We ended up having one of the 8 puppies die before Brownie went MIA...the others are still doing well...hopefully you will be able to find the litter of kittens soon and share with us the pictures.