Monday, January 19, 2009

Facing the Giants

Have any of you seen this movie? I've heard of it, a lot of good stuff, but didn't really know what it was about. I was at my sister's yesterday after church with some others folks from church and we got to talking about movies. They brought this one up and went on and on about how good it is. My sister happened to have the movie and so I borrowed it. After breakfast this morning, Jimmy, the girls, and I piled up in the living room to watch it. What a great movie!! I cried so many times during the movie! It's a movie about a high school football team and their head coach. This movie is so filled with scripture and the message is clear, it's an awesome family movie. But did you know that a church in Albany, Georgia is who made this movie? If I'm not mistaken, the church is called Sherwood Baptist Church, and they did this movie as an outreach ministry. So majority of the actors are not really actors, but members of this church. They made one before Facing the Giants and one after. I can't remember the name of the one before (I think it's Flyaway??), but the one after is called Fireproof. That one has Kirk Cameron as one of the actors (maybe the main one). I'm anxious to get this one now. I thought I would share this info. So if any of you have not seen it and/or are football fans, this is a GREAT movie to see!


Anonymous said...

Buddy loves this movie...he loves football, and wanted me to watch it with him one day..and I cried like a baby....It is a great family movie...Thanks for sharing!!

Shari said...

Thanks for the info....I bet Corey would like this movie.....I'll have to see if I can get it for us.....

Michele said...

I LOVE that movie! I saw it for the 1st time with my family this summer while we were on vacation! What an awesome movie! I cried too! I didn't know about the one before or after...I have to check those out now! Thanks for sharing:-)

Kelly said...

I have never seen it but have heard good things about it. In fact, Lewis at Movie Time has suggested it to me a couple of times. Maybe I should rent it. I love a good crying movie! I'm a big 'ol cry baby!

Mary Lou said...

That is a wonderful movie! We watched it a few years back with our youth group. You should really try to get the new one, Fireproof. That is an awesome movie with some of the same actors as Facing the Giants. Any guys who serve as volunteer firemen would love that movie.

Judi said...

I have never heard of this movie. I will have to look for it.