Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Now back to our regularly scheduled program

Christmas is over, the new year has begun, and so has our regular schedule. We started back school on Monday, along with basketball, dance, and more basketball. The girls were surprisingly ready to start back. I was especially taken aback by Hannah and how cooperative she's been with school starting back. She's the one who thinks of any and every excuse to not do her work, but so far so good. It was funny, last Fri. Rebecca asked me how many more days until school starts back and when I told her we start in three days she was bummed. She said, "Oh man, I was hoping we only had two days left." She's my little nerd! She loves to read and loves loves loves to do math. Hannah does not like to read, but she loves very much for me to read to her. Just since the beginning of school I've read to her Anne of Green Gables, The Call of the Wild, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Secret Garden, and now we're reading Huckleberry Finn. Hannah is my Bible nerd. Just yesterday we were reading about Moses and when I stopped reading she was upset because she wanted me to continue, and she already knew the story. I am surprised almost daily at how much she knows and understands about the Bible. There was one part that I couldn't understand while we were reading, but she kept trying to explain what she thought happened. I wasn't convinced by her answer, I thought I was reading it wrong. So I asked my pastor last night to explain it to me so I could explain it to her. And embarassing as it may be, she was way more on track than I was. Such sponges kids are, huh? And Leah, she's getting better and better with occupying herslef during school. I let her bring her toys in the living room, which is the room adjacent to our classroom, with hopes that some of this will slip into her brain through osmosis (sp?)!


Mary Lou said...

Gosh! You must be doing a great job with home schooling if you're kids are excited about starting back with school! Go Mom! None of my nieces and nephews I talked with were ready to go back to school on Monday.

Judson's Mommy said...

You must be a great teacher!

Anonymous said...

I admire you for Homeschooling. Wish I had started off my kids that way. They might listen to me a little more now...You go girl!!!

Shari said...


What a great compliment to you as a teacher for them to WANT to start back! and you're right... children are like sponges! They just can't get enough when it's something they WANT to learn about.....but good Lord it's like pulling teeth when you're trying to get them to understand something they are just not interested in.


Kelly said...

I am so proud of you! I knew you were going to be a great teacher! Sounds like the girls are learning a lot and staying busy!!!

Michele said...

Wow! You should feel really proud of yourself in this 1st year of homeschooling! Sounds like it's paying off from a great teacher!

Mandy said...

You are mighty lucky to have that opportunity. There are a lot of people out there that would like to home school their children, but can't.

Donielle said...

Thanks everyone! I'll know at the end of the year whether or not I did well. I'll be a basket case when it's time for the end of year tests! And I do feel very blessed to be able to stay home and homeschool them, no doubt. I'm so thankful that Jimmy works so hard for all of us girls.

Judi said...

They are beautiful girls. You must be doing something right for them to be so interested in school.

Carol Hedspeth said...

Donielle, So glad I stumbled across your blog. I loved seeing the photos of your girls because I haven't run into you guys in quite some time. And I will never forget that you are Donielle with "O" because I know your wonderful Dad. I was glad to read in the paper that he will be retiring soon. "HI" to Michele.

Missy's Creations said...

You have some great girls there ... and you are most definately a wonderful Mom to them!