Sunday, January 18, 2009

Field Trip

Friday, the girls and I set out to Wilson with our homeschool group for a field trip. We went to the Imagination Station where kids learn about science from hands on exhibits. Jimmy and I took the girls there about a year ago, so I recommended it to our group. The first floor is filled with tons of hands-on stuff. One of the favorites amongst the kids was the animal race (I don't know the exact name.). Here, the child chooses which animal they want to race, like a turtle, a bear, or a cheetah for example. You push the button, wait for the light to turn green, and then run like crazy. It tells you who wins. Those kids raced the animals over and over and over! We signed up for the "courtroom boom pop fizz" show. So after they played and played downstairs, we went upstairs to see all the cool experiments. The last one was the best! Everyone in the room jumped from the explosion! Also upstairs they have reptiles for the kids to see. Thankfully they were all in aquariums! One of the workers took out a snake for the kids to pet. I couldn't believe it, but Rebecca actually went up and touched the snake! She couldn't wait to tell her daddy.

The is the last experiment....notice how far back the lady is standing as he's holds out a lit stick!

Rebecca learning about levers

What better way to learn about teeth then to play in them??

Rebecca being brave enough to touch the snake...ewww!!


Jamie's Block said...

i think i went there once like 16 years we didn't do all that stuff..actually come to think ouf it, i don't think they had all that stuff, they had different things.

Jamie's Block said...

oh and your header is's pretty neat

Michele said...

Souns like such a fun place! Glad y'all had a great time!

LOVE your header:-)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like ya'll had alot of fun and learned some new things too...and I absolutely LOVE the header picture.

Judson's Mommy said...

Love Your Header picture!

Shari said...

I'm glad y'all had a good time......Looks like a nice trip!

I LOVE the header!!!!

Mary Lou said...

Looks like everybody had fun while learning lots of new things. Love the new picture of the girls!

Judi said...

I love the new header!!! That sounds like a great time.