Thursday, February 5, 2009

Silly Kids

The girls have this rolling babydoll bed that has a canopy over it. They usually roll all their dolls around in this thing. The nice thing is that we can store a bunch of dolls in it when it's time to clean up and because of the canopy, you can't see all the millions of dolls! Here is a picture of the bed.
This morning Rebecca was wheeling it around the house. When she saw me she stopped and said, "Look what I have Mom." All of a sudden, Leah slipped the curtain to the side and poked her head out. I laughed and laughed because none of them had ever gotten in it before, and it took me by surprise. I don't know why they hadn't thought of it until now!


Jamie's Block said...

hahaha silly kids..that is adroable. they look like that have lots of fun together.

Judson's Mommy said...

That is so cute!

Michele said...

Too dag on cute! Kids come up with the silliest things:-)

Mary Lou said...

What a surprise for you! The stories you share make your girls sound like they play together so well. I bet they really look out for each other.

Kelly said...

Kids come up with the craziest ideas! That is just too cute!

Donielle said...

Mary Lou, my girls do play together very well...BUT they definitely do have their moments. Many moments actually! I think all in all they're best buds!

Judi said...

Kids are so silly!! Your are very cute!

Missy Glave said...

It's so cute she can fit into her dolly's bed!