Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas Caroling

This afternoon twenty children and about eight adults set out to local nursing homes, the senior appartments here in town, and a couple of elderly people's homes to sing. What a great job they all did! Everyone we sang to seemed to really enjoy it. One lady was in tears when we were singing....I'm pretty sure they were happy tears, not tears from awful At each stop we sang about six or seven songs, and the kids did awesome. I encourage everyone to take the time to reach out to people who may not be able to get out and spread the Christmas cheer. And this doesn't have to be just during "Christmas time", and it doesn't have to be caroling. Visit some elderly neighbors or people that may be sick or disabled and take them some goodies, or when the weather turns back warm offer to mow their lawn. Take their trash to the road every week, bring them a bag of groceries. Little things make the biggest difference. Who knows, maybe you can advance God's kingdom by spreading your love. What are some of your ideas?


Anonymous said...

I love that you take the time to do that with your kids. The youth and some adults a week or so ago went a raked leaves for about 2 hours....alot of work...but such a great blessing. I think the kids even had a great time. They even asked whose house we would go to next. Amazing isn't it? Thanks for sharing such a wonderful day.

Mary Lou said...

That is so neat! I think it's great you're teaching your girls about doing good deeds for others. I think it makes Christmas so much merrier!