Friday, December 12, 2008

Cookie Swap

Our homeschool group met yesterday afternoon for a day of making, decorating, and most importantly, eating cookies! I've never done of of these "cookie swaps" before, but it was a neat idea. And the girls had a blast! The day before, everyone makes a dozen cookies per child in your family. Make sure you copy your recipe for everyone to have at the swap. On the day of the swap, gather all of your cookie supplies, cookie sheets, rollers, cookie cutters, sprinkles, etc. Don't forget your tins (one per child) to put cookies in to bring home. Everyone also has to bring a batch of sugar cookie dough to make cut-out cookies. When we got there, they had two tables set up for the kids to roll out the cookies and cut out their shapes. Some kids decorated with sprinkles and such before they baked them. I've never heard of that. We always ice them and decorate with sprinkles afterwards, but it worked out great. We had plenty of undecorated cookies to ice when all was said and done. In between the cookies cooling, and decorating them, the kids moved to another table. Here they passed around the cookies they made the day before for everyone to put in their own tins. This part might have needed a little more organization....but again, worked out just fine. At the end, everyone had a tin full of assorted homemade cookies! Yum! Then, after they finished all the decorating, they were able to eat their masterpieces. Always, the best for last!
Hannah, Leah, and Rebecca working frantically to create that "special" cookie (ok, maybe like 20 special cookies)
Rebecca trying to make her cookie match the gingerbread girl on her apron. You got it Becca, a little more green.

Hannah decorating her star pink...such a girl!

Leah....not quite sure what she's doing since she has a cookie right in front of her, already decorated waiting to go in the oven. Must not be flat enough.


Michele said...

What a GREAT idea and looks like they had sooo much fun! I wish that I had one of those cookies right now...YUM!

Anonymous said...

Looks like they all had a great time. BTW I saw your picture on the Roanoke Chowan News Herald online....I was like "hey ya'll thats Donielle!"

Mandy said...

I love that the girls have flour all over them! They worked hard, but most importantly, I know they had fun!

Mary Lou said...

That looks like so much fun. I know the girls had a great time and it looks like they've got the cookies to prove it!

Kelly said...

Awww...the pictures are too cute and it looks like they had a great time!

Shari said...

It looks like they really had a good time and think about the memories they will always have!