Friday, May 2, 2008

15 Things I'm thankful for today...

  1. My Salvation
  2. My family
  3. Good friends
  4. Our health
  5. It's Friday
  6. Not having to use my heat or air lately (hurray for low electric bill!)
  7. Having my niece here to play with Leah
  8. Having a dust free kitchen, living room, and dining room (did that last night, maybe do the rest later today)
  9. Having lunch with my sister, mom and dad
  10. Getting a check from George next week (go George! I know that's not today, but I'm excited today)
  11. My coffee (even though the little ones finished it off when I wasn't looking)
  12. My back doesn't hurt as bad as it did this morning
  13. Hannah taking orders before asking questions (doesn't always happen that way)
  14. The girls get well cards to me
  15. Hand-me-downs I get to go through today (thanks Shirley!)