Tuesday, May 27, 2008

How we spent our Memorial Day weekend...

Teaching the girls what Memorial Day is truly about
Swimming with and without bathing suits (unprepared mommy didn't bring their bathing suits in the above picture). But who needs a bathing suit when you can just swim in clothes?
Blowing bubbles!!! What a great time Leah was having chasing the bubbles.
Playing cornhole, and blowing more bubbles.
We started out the weekend cooking out with some good friends, and ended up going to two other cookouts over the weekend. Jimmy was actually off, so we all enjoyed a lot of family time together.

I'm grateful to all the men and women who have served and those who are today serving our country! THANK YOU! My words alone cannot begin to express the gratitude I have for the sacrifices you and your family make to allow me and my family to live such an awesome life in an awesome country! May God bless you all.

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