Thursday, May 1, 2008

Cake Contest

I received an email from a friend with a link to enter a cake into Family Fun's cake decorating contest. Well, I entered the Wizard of Oz cake last night. They have got some really cool cakes up there so I know the chances of winning are not very high at all. And especially since the picture I uploaded was cut off some, so the rainbow doesn't even show up in the picture. The rainbow really makes the cake, so I'm pretty bummed about that. Oh well....the grand prize is a $500 gift card to Williams-Sonoma. I'm sure I could find plenty of things I could spend $500 on from there! There are over 600 cakes entered in this. Wish me luck!! I keep voting for that wrong??? Well, my mom voted too! :0) Oh, and my sister...I made them both.


Mandy said...

What's the link? I will vote for ya! We are having a Baby Shower here for an employee on May 23rd. My Director said she would buy the cake and I told her about you. What ideas do you have for that and what are your prices? We will only need enough for about 15 people.

Michele said...

Post the link so that we can all vote! Good luck girl:-)