Thursday, March 5, 2009

Dishes and Coffee in the Bathroom?

Well, I've been to hotels before that had a coffee pot in the bathroom, but never thought I would be making coffee in my own bathroom. Nor did I think I would be washing dishes in there. That's what we're dealing with here in the McDermott household, no sink, no microwave, no stove, no oven. But we do have a refrigerator!!! There's a lady I go to church with who had to go without a kitchen for 3 years while they renovated their's!! Can you imagine? I pray that this will not take more than two weeks. Our goal is to have it done before little Leah's birthday party (March 20th). Think it can be done??

This is a picture of most of the kitchen. Notice the stuff on the table that belongs in those cabinets. We weren't sure where to put everything. There is a bookshelf to the left of this table and it is covered with stuff as well. We've been eating our meals in the living room on towels. The kids think this is a blast because they NEVER get to eat in the living room!
Another table in our kitchen that is full of stuff.
Quick peek of what the cabinets and backsplash that we picked out look like. As soon as I saw this stone tile I knew that's what I wanted. I love it! I can picture it all in my head, and can't wait for it all to come together! My husband ROCKS!!


Michele said...

It's gonna look great girl when it's done! I LOVE that stone too! It'll probably feel like the longest 2 weeks of your life...hang in there!

Mary Lou said...

Oh my! You sure did bring back some not so pleasant memories of last summer when Mitch and I remodeled my bathroom. All our stuff was crammed in a spare bedroom. Everything was in totes and you had to search for anything and everything.

I LOVE the stone tile you've picked out for your backsplash. Hang in there! It's going to be an awesome kitchen when it's all done!

Judi said...

It is going to look great Doneille once it gets done. I can't wait to see you on the 13th.

Wendy said...

I love the backsplash tile, very cool. And it gives you a reason to eat out! Reservations anyone?

Kelly said...

I know this is going to drive you crazy until you finish! I can sympathize a little. We had to wash dishes in the bathroom at our old office. It will make you appreciate a kitchen! LOL Can't wait to see the finished product! I know you are excited and it's going to look amazing!

Mandy said...

I can't wait to see it all done!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see the pictures of it all finished and I love the backsplash you picked out.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful choices. Love it. I hated renovations. We redid our WHOLE friggin house. Imagine that. 2 years and counting. It's finally done. It was horrible to live through that.

Amy said...

That is so funny! We are in the midst of a kitchen remodel too, your pictures look much like ours! We have had our entire kitchen in our living room for weeks now. We ripped out the old counter tops Thursday, leaving no water, sink, or surface for the night. The new ones were installed Friday, and Jason is getting the sink put in and pluming hooked back up right now. Good luck with yours. Our "new" kitchen is looking wonderful!

Jenn said...

Great picks! I used to design kitchens and heard all about how my clients had to wash their dishes in the bathtub. can't wait to see the finished product!

Shari said...

I LOVE the tile you picked out....I can't wait to see the finished product!