Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I'm starting to feel the stress of having a really really messy house. I never realized how much I love my kitchen sink and my washing machine. I can do without the stove...haha! Jimmy and I have never had a dishwasher, and that's so not a problem. But I would give almost anything to have one right now. The bathroom sink is not cutting it. We have issues with our washing machine backing up into our kitchen sink, so without the kitchen sink we can't wash clothes. I've been having to take clothes to my mom and dad's to wash. Thank God they live right up the road. But it still is difficult, and there is nothing like being able to throw a load in here or there. Jimmy has been working so incredibly hard trying to get this done. He's been working nights, so when he gets off in the mornings he comes home and works till after lunch and then goes to bed and gets up to go to his real job. We're trying to get this done before next Friday because we're having Leah's birthday that night. Did I mention we're doing a magic show for her birthday?? Jimmy, the girls, and I are doing it, so somewhere between school and working on the kitchen and finally putting everything back and cleaning the house really well, we need to practice our magic show. Ughhhhh!!!


Judi said...

It will be over soon!!

Michele said...

Good luck! You will have it all done...I know it doesn't seem like it! I can't wait to see the finished results:-) Hang in there!

Cathy said...

looks like ya'll have been working hard and I know that it's going to look great when you finish...can't wait to see.

Judson's Mommy said...

Just think about what your kitchen will look like when you guys are finished. Good Luck!

Mandy said...

I didn't know ya'll were magicians...can't you just say "allakhazam" and it all be done? Just Like my Mama told me about labor, once it all over with, you will forget the pain (in your case, disruption). Good luck!

Mary Lou said...

Hang in there Donielle! It'll be done soon and you'll be so happy!!

Missy Glave said...

I can only imagine the stress involved ... I'm sure he's going to get it done in time. Can't wait to see the pictures of the completed project.

Kelly said...

I would be going crazy! LOL It's going to be worth it in the end. Atleast Jimmy is working so hard to get it done. Take lots of pictures when he's finished and get someone to take lots of pictures of your magic show! I think that is just so cool! Hope she has a great birthday party!